On 28/10/2007, at 6:25 AM, Marc A. Donis wrote:
> but that didn't seem to do the trick. I get an exception
> indicating that I am not allowed to create a reference between
> objects in two different DataContexts. Clearly, this is true...
> unless one of the DataContexts is a shared DataContext (at least,
> that's how it works in EOF).
> What is the right way to obtain a shared DataContext? Or am I
> going about this all wrong?
There is no special 'shared context' like in EOF. You will have to
copy the objects you want to the working context first using
DataContext.localObject(). I agree it would be a neat feature, but
not currently available.
Ari Maniatis
Aristedes Maniatis
phone +61 2 9660 9700
PGP fingerprint 08 57 20 4B 80 69 59 E2 A9 BF 2D 48 C2 20 0C C8
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