Cayenne as AJAX backend

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Nov 27 2007 - 09:28:08 EST

  • Next message: Michael Lepine: "Re: CayenneModeler and Reengineering Database Schema"

    While I always thought of Cayenne zero-effort ability to store state
    in memory between requests as a great feature, in a normal web
    application I avoided using it when possible, cause you need to be
    extra careful about back button issues and such if you have some
    uncommitted session state.

    Now I started to get involved in more frontend development, naturally
    using JavaScript and asynchronous communication with the server.
    That's where this feature shines. A user can spend significant time on
    a single page, loading and storing data from various UI elements via
    AJAX, using a session ObjectContext to maintain in-memory object
    graph. After (s)he is satisfied with results, the user clicks "Save"
    button once, the graph is saved to the database. This way there's no
    need to keep the entire graph on the client, client code can save
    changes incrementally in response to the user actions, avoiding
    sending large chunks of XML across the wire. Nice and clean...

    Now I guess using a nested DataContext is still a good idea in this
    situation for the same reason as a regular web app - back button,
    reload, multiple windows, etc...


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