Re: Schema generation Problem

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Sat Feb 02 2008 - 17:15:25 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Cayenne 3.0 milestone 3 released"

    That does seem a little strange. Please file a JIRA issue, and someone will
    look into it.


    On 1/24/08 12:53 AM, "Joe Baldwin" <> wrote:

    > The Cayenne Modeler Schema generator, on occasion, generates some > errors associated with AUTO_PK_SUPPORT (see excerpt below from the > problem report). I am a tad confused, because I can't figure out what > I could have done to cause this. I have seen the problem arise > before, and my solution was to noodle around with the ER Model, and > presto, the errors go away. Unfortunately, the come back now an again > so I guess I will have to figure out what the heck I am doing to cause > this (and it would be nice to figure out what I was doing that > resulted in the problem going away so I can do it again :) ). > > The datasource is MySQL. I have created an Integer PK attribute > called "oid". The "PK Generation Strategy" is database generated. > > My guess is that I have inadvertently gotten something out of sync in > the Modeler. The Problem report does not make sense to me, and upon > checking the MySQL database, the AUTO_PK_SUPPORT table is in fact > missing. Very odd. Could this be a MySQL problem? > > > [SQL: CREATE TABLE AUTO_PK_SUPPORT ( TABLE_NAME CHAR(100) NOT NULL, > NEXT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, UNIQUE (TABLE_NAME))] - Table > 'auto_pk_support' already exists > [SQL: DELETE FROM AUTO_PK_SUPPORT WHERE TABLE_NAME IN ('admin', > 'audio', 'customer', 'metadata', 'orderitem', 'photo', 'prodclass', > 'product', 'salesorder', 'vendor', 'video')] - Table > 'pickerswebsite.auto_pk_support' doesn't exist > [SQL: INSERT INTO AUTO_PK_SUPPORT (TABLE_NAME, NEXT_ID) VALUES > ('admin', 200)] - Table 'pickerswebsite.auto_pk_support' doesn't exist

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