Re: Remove SQL logging in M2 or M3

From: Alexander Lamb (dev) ("Alexander)
Date: Wed Feb 06 2008 - 13:34:34 EST

  • Next message: "Problems with ROP (on M2 and different on M3)"

    Yes, it is probably the case Log4J is initialized earlier. We are
    running Tapestry 5 in a Jetty server. Now the trick will be to find
    out how and where to catch the initialization and have it take into
    account our properties file.


    Le 6 févr. 08 à 18:31, Andrus Adamchik a écrit :

    > If I am not mistaken your conversion pattern "[%p] %c{1} %m%n" does
    > not match the output, so it is very likely that some other
    > dependency and/or container trigger Log4J initialization prior to
    > your code being executed.
    > Andrus
    > On Feb 6, 2008, at 11:57 AM, Alexander Lamb (dev) wrote:
    >> Well, I tried but didn't work.
    >> Indeed, BEFORE loading a model (I have two models that I load
    >> explicitly) I do:
    >> public AppModule() {
    >> System.out.println("---- AppModule init...");
    >> System.out.println("----- LOG4J: " + getClass().getResource("/
    >> org
    >> .apache
    >> .log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configure(getClass().getResource("/
    >> }
    >> The contains:
    >> log4j.rootCategory=WARN, A1
    >> # A1 is set to be a ConsoleAppender.
    >> log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
    >> # A1 uses PatternLayout.
    >> log4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
    >> log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=[%p] %c{1} %m%n
    >> log4j.category.tapestry=error
    >> # Service category names are the name of the defining module class
    >> # and then the service id.
    >> = WARN
    >> = WARN
    >> = WARN
    >> And here is what I get in the console:
    >> ---- AppModule init...
    >> ----- LOG4J: file:/Users/alamb/Workspace/top2/src/main/resources/
    >> ---- Initializer starting...
    >> 10:54:00.042 INFO [main]
    >> org
    >> .apache
    >> .cayenne
    >> .conf.RuntimeLoadDelegate.startedLoading(
    >> 572) >64> started configuration loading.
    >> 10:54:00.045 INFO [main]
    >> org
    >> .apache
    >> .cayenne
    >> .conf
    >> .RuntimeLoadDelegate.shouldLoadDataDomain(
    >> 151) >74> loaded domain: Studies
    >> 10:54:00.218 INFO [main]
    >> org
    >> .apache
    >> .cayenne
    >> .conf.RuntimeLoadDelegate.loadDataMap(
    >> >75> loaded <map name='StudiesMap' location=''>.
    >> 10:54:00.219 INFO [main]
    >> org
    >> .apache
    >> .cayenne
    >> .conf
    >> .RuntimeLoadDelegate.shouldLoadDataNode(
    >> 261) >74> loading <node name='StudiesNode'
    >> datasource='StudiesNode.driver.xml'
    >> factory='org.apache.cayenne.conf.DriverDataSourceFactory'>.
    >> 10:54:00.229 INFO [main]
    >> org
    >> .apache
    >> .cayenne
    >> .conf
    >> .RuntimeLoadDelegate.shouldLoadDataNode(
    >> 305) >74> using factory:
    >> org.apache.cayenne.conf.DriverDataSourceFactory
    >> 10:54:00.229 INFO [main]
    >> org
    >> .apache
    >> .cayenne
    >> .conf.DriverDataSourceFactory.load(
    >> 115) >76> loading driver information from 'StudiesNode.driver.xml'.
    >> 10:54:00.234 INFO [main]
    >> org.apache.cayenne.conf.DriverDataSourceFactory
    >> $DriverHandler.init( >87> loading
    >> driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    >> 10:54:00.240 INFO [main]
    >> org.apache.cayenne.conf.DriverDataSourceFactory
    >> $LoginHandler.init( >87> loading
    >> user name and password.
    >> 10:54:00.245 INFO [main]
    >> org
    >> .apache.cayenne.access.QueryLogger.logPoolCreated(
    >> 222) >78> Created connection pool: jdbc:mysql://localhost/roles_new
    >> Driver class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    >> Min. connections in the pool: 1
    >> Max. connections in the pool: 20
    >> Followed by the second model loading and then all the SQL logging...
    >> What did I do wrong?
    >> Alex
    >> Le 5 févr. 08 à 18:07, Andrus Adamchik a écrit :
    >>> As a background to what Kevin just said, Cayenne itself no longer
    >>> attempts to configure Log4J (something it did prior to 3.0). Log4J
    >>> is optional and is expected to be configured by the user.
    >>> (search for "logging" on this page).
    >>> Andrus
    >>> On Feb 5, 2008, at 6:32 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:
    >>>> How are you bootstrapping your log4j configuration? I have
    >>>> something like
    >>>> the following before creating a DC:
    >>>> org
    >>>> .apache
    >>>> .log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configure(getClass().getResource("/log
    >>>> --
    >>>> Kevin
    >>>> On 2/5/08 11:29 AM, "Alexander Lamb (dev)" <> wrote:
    >>>>> Hello List,
    >>>>> I don't seem to be able to stop Cayenne log all the SQL (3.0M2
    >>>>> or M3).
    >>>>> I have the following in my, but it doesn't seem
    >>>>> to be
    >>>>> taken into account!
    >>>>> = WARN
    >>>>> = WARN
    >>>>> = WARN
    >>>>> Thanks,
    >>>>> Alex

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