Re[2]: DataObjectUtils.objectForPK() doesnt work

From: Razumovsky Andrey (
Date: Tue Feb 19 2008 - 10:51:54 EST

  • Next message: Scott Anderson: "Specifying PK when creating a new object in DB generated PK mode"

    574 seems to be the same problem, with exception a bit different though.
    What is M4 plan release date, by the way?

    KM> Hi Andrey,
    KM> You've run into CAY-574:
    KM> This issue has been fixed in 3.0-SNAPSHOT and will be in 3.0M4 when that
    KM> is released. If you don't want to run the snapshots, Andrus has a
    KM> workaround for the problem as a comment in the aforementioned issue.
    KM> --
    KM> Kevin Menard
    KM> Servprise International, Inc.
    KM> Remote reboot & power control for your network
    KM> +1 508.892.3823 x308

    __________ -- îÏ×ÁÑ ðÏÞÔÁ ÄÌÑ ÎÏ×ÏÇÏ ÐÏËÏÌÅÎÉÑ.

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