I had a requirement very similar to this in a recent project.
Every change made to a set of objects had to be recorded to be able to
provide a history of changes to an object.
What I did was to have those objects descend from a common super
class, which, in turn, descends from CayenneDataObject.
In my superclass, I overrode writeProperty and setToOneTarget. You
get the new values passed into you, and you have a chance to examine
the old values, as well, by calling readProperty. It has worked out
quite nicely.
Here's a sample snippet from writeProperty:
public void writeProperty(String name, Object value){
Object old = readProperty(name);
if (value == null) {
if (old != null) {
recordChange(name,name + " changed from " +
labelFor(readProperty(name)) + " to " + labelFor(value));
} else if (!value.equals(old)) {
recordChange(name,name + " changed from " +
labelFor(readProperty(name)) + " to " + labelFor(value));
super.writeProperty(name, value);
recordChange handles recording the changes for me; labelFor takes an
object and converts it into a string suitable for user consumption.
On Feb 22, 2008, at 2/228:59 AM , Ilya Lazarev wrote:
> Apologies if this has been asked before, I couldn't find anything in
> the
> archives. The problem boils down to this: there is a cayenne object
> which is
> updated via a form. I want to capture changes made to every single
> modified
> field in a DB, the value before modification and the value after.
> The object
> has a number of to-many relationships, which would also have to be
> checked
> one by one. The simplest way I can envision this is by manually
> creating an
> object clone before any modifications are made, and then comparing
> the two
> objects and noting the differences. Is there an easier way to see a
> diff of
> the fields, perhaps by accessing properties of the cayenne object
> itself? I
> am using cayenne 2.
> Many thanks,
> Ilya
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