Re: Migrate from Hibernate3 to Cayenne :) ?

From: Demetrios Kyriakis (
Date: Sat Feb 23 2008 - 14:28:54 EST

  • Next message: David Marko: "CayenneObjectManager - alternative API for using Apache Cayenne"

    >>> JPA is a subset of EJB3 spec. So the annotations are EJB3. Our
    >>> implementation of the JPA provider is still in alpha though.
    >> If it's still alpha, wouldn't a concrete application that already
    >> works be a
    >> better "trial bench" ?
    > Sure. Anybody's free to try such migration.
    I'll try to capture the migration steps in the following document (but that
    if I'm able to go forward in the process):
    (at the moment, it contains only the used hibernate list of annotations)


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