On 24/02/2008, at 9:13 PM, David Marko wrote:
> // find first item by property and given condition
> co_manager
> .find(Class).byProperty("property").BETWEEN(value1,value2).first()
> co_manager.find(Class).byProperty("property").LIKE(value).first()
> co_manager.find(Class).byProperty("property").IN(range).first()
This looks a lot like the Fluent interface [1] Andrus has proposed as
a possible way to generify the query API. Have a read of the relevant
thread [2] for further info there. It is an interesting idea but quite
hard to write documentation for (such as javadocs) and possibly hard
for newcomers. On the other hand it is very compact and readable.
Ari Maniatis
[1] http://martinfowler.com/bliki/FluentInterface.html
[2] http://markmail.org/message/jqfjtsogixpeijsn
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