Re: Cayenne and Spring (a Hibernate inspired question)

From: Marcin Skladaniec (
Date: Thu Feb 28 2008 - 07:44:43 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Cayenne and Spring (a Hibernate inspired question)"


    Short comment on the cayenne sorted queries, they work great but be
    aware of a limitation:
    (the query examples assume one to many relation Artist-Painting)

    SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Painting.class);
    will not return the Paintings without artist. This behaviour is
    correct 90% of the times, but would be awesome if it could be
    controlled and customized so the null in the order path does not alter
    the results.

    also be aware that a query for a relationship existence (or non-
    existence) does not work:
    SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Painting.class,
    ExpressionFactory.matchExp(Painting.ARTIST_PROPERTY, null));
    so you might need a flag to indicate whether the relationship is set
    or not to allow easy querying and/or sorting.

    If someone has a (simple) workaround to the problems I mentioned
    please share!


    On 29/02/2008, at 8:03 AM, Marek Wawrzyczny wrote:

    > Thanks Kevin,
    > Your response was quite encouraging. Most of the pages are very
    > simple but
    > there is one or two which enforces quite coplex workflow. It's a
    > perfect
    > candidate for a child context.
    > Just out of curiosity, how do people manage contexts in a typical CRUD
    > application containing several (>10) entities. We're also using
    > AJAX calls
    > (DWR).
    > Regarding queries. Hibernate often handles lazy initialized
    > relationships very
    > badly. There are two bugs I've hit where both HSQL and the Criteria
    > API (kind
    > of like the query builder API in Cayenne) have trouble creating the
    > SQL
    > query. Take the following two entities:
    > Course
    > name
    > classes
    > Cllass
    > course
    > startsOn
    > endsOn
    > Hibernate could potentially have trouble building a query that would
    > return
    > courses where we discrimante on both startsOn and endsOn properties
    > of a
    > Class.
    > An additional bug may prevent ordering on either startsOn or endsOn
    > if the
    > property was used in the query.
    > The issue is with the way Hibernate aliases the joins in the
    > resultset.
    > Obviously, I'd want to avoid that in the future.
    > Cheers,
    > Marek Wawrzyczny
    > On Thu, 28 Feb 2008 00:51:59 Kevin Menard wrote:
    >> Hi Marek,
    >> My Hibernate experience is limited to a single project that did not
    >> use
    >> Spring, so it's hard for me to draw a fair comparison. My take from
    >> passively watching on discussion lists (particularly the Tapestry
    >> one)
    >> is that Spring makes Hibernate usable in a way that Cayenne is out of
    >> the box. It seems you know this already, though.
    >> In a Web app I have here, we an account creation operation split up
    >> over
    >> three screens and it involves several different entities. For
    >> this, I
    >> simply used a peer context per page and coalesce everything at the
    >> end.
    >> This is a little bit older code and I would likely use a child
    >> context
    >> for it now. The reason I did it this way is that while
    >> conceptually a
    >> single operation, completing any of the phases is a complete
    >> transaction. If you want to enforce start to finish behavior, you
    >> could
    >> use a single context shared via session. Just watch yourself because
    >> it's a lot harder to enforce a workflow through a browser than it is
    >> through Swing.
    >> As for sorting across multiple relationships, I guess I would have to
    >> understand a little more as to what you want to do. Simplest thing
    >> is
    >> to write your own Comparator, but you may want to look at mapping a
    >> query, and barring that, use SQLTemplate to achieve what you need
    >> in the
    >> DB.
    >> I hope that helps.

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