Re: Big list'o questions.....

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Sun Mar 02 2008 - 18:51:15 EST

  • Next message: Malcolm Edgar: "Re: Big list'o questions....."

    On 03/03/2008, at 10:37 AM, Frits Jalvingh wrote:

    > This means I would not use Cayenne for any kind of work that handles
    > large amounts of objects; something that is not advisable anyway for
    > the
    > current generation of ORM's.

    I think it 'depends'. That is, what do you call 'large amounts'?
    Certainly using an ORM will be slower than native SQL calls, but for
    most developers this is not nearly as important as having code which
    is quick to write, reuse and refactor. And easy to read. But I guess
    that is why you are here.

    As for fetching large numbers of records, take a look at Cayenne's
    paging [1] functionality. For customised query/update/insert code,
    perhaps SQL templates [2] will be useful to you.

    What sort of load do you intend putting on your ORM/database that
    requires more than these optimisations?



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