Re: Remote Object Persistence Tutorial Setup

From: Borut Bolčina (
Date: Fri Mar 07 2008 - 18:23:36 EST

  • Next message: Malcolm Edgar: "Re: Imports"

    On second thought,

    there really is not version 3.0-SNAPSHOT at repo1. However there are
    versions 3.0M1, 3.0M2 and 3.0M3. After correcting 3 poms from SNAPSHOT to
    M3, the build (eclipse:eclipse) succeeded, but it did not download some libs
    (hessian for example) as the repos locations are probably defined at a
    higher level pom.

    I then did a complete checkout:
    svn co cayenne

    but the build fails with
    [INFO] [compiler:compile]
    [INFO] Compiling 6 source files to
    [INFO] Building Cayenne Build Tools Parent
    [INFO] task-segment: [clean, compile]
    [INFO] [clean:clean]
    [INFO] No goals needed for project - skipping
    [INFO] Building Cayenne License and Notice Bundle
    [INFO] task-segment: [clean, compile]
    [INFO] artifact for
    updates from mergere
    [INFO] artifact for
    updates from central
    [INFO] The plugin ''
    does not exist or no valid version could be found
    [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
    [INFO] Total time: 1 minute 33 seconds
    [INFO] Finished at: Sat Mar 08 00:17:14 CET 2008
    [INFO] Final Memory: 9M/20M

    Any ideas?

    2008/3/7, Borut Bolčina <>:
    > Hi,
    > I think you have to modify the instructions at
    > Checking out with
    > svn co
    > and then running
    > C:\Users\Borut\Workarea\quick-start-rop>mvn eclipse:eclipse
    > [INFO] Scanning for projects...
    > [INFO]
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > [INFO]
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
    > GroupId: org.apache.cayenne
    > ArtifactId: cayenne-parent
    > Version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT
    > Reason: Unable to download the artifact from any repository
    > org.apache.cayenne:cayenne-parent:pom:3.0-SNAPSHOT
    > from the specified remote repositories:
    > central (
    > fails on empty local m2 repository. I don't think you can build a
    > sub-project without the parent.
    > Regards,
    > Borut

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