Re: Wrong data type for source attribute of a relationship?

From: Walter Haas (
Date: Tue Mar 11 2008 - 06:18:03 EDT

  • Next message: Borut Bolčina: "Re: Remote Object Persistence Tutorial Setup"

    The xml mapping and the data classes aren't created with the
    modeler, but the mapping is loadable without any error by the
    modeler. I hope this use case is acceptable.

    The Java type is java.lang.Double, while the DB type is shown as
    DECIMAL in the modeler (and in the resulting map file) and the
    created code uses a type cast to double according to this.

    Without the definition of the relationship all goes well, records of
    this table are loadable and the values are accessible as double

    After adding a reference to another table, using the double
    attribute as map key (source in the db-relationship attr-pair),
    something is broken: records are still loadable (the relationship
    isn't involved at all in this fetching), but accessing the attribute
    in question gives the big decimal conversion fault.

    The attribute is no FK, it's not indexed in the db and FireBird has
    no constraints on this column. So I do not see what FireBird could
    have to do with this.

    Is the runtime adding of complimentary DbRelationships able to
    modify the attribute type? I see messages concerning added
    relationships (which for sure is caused by the home grown
    generation process). Are the complementary relationships
    mandatory or can I prevent cayenne from creating/using them?

    Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > We stopped supporting FireBird some time back due to the lack of
    > qualified volunteers, so I don't remember all the issues that we had
    > with it. But still this seems weird... Just to doublecheck, what Java
    > and DB type you entered for the object attribute and the corresponding
    > column in the Modeler?
    > Also is this column an FK? Meaningful FK's are generally a bad idea.
    > I'd recommend you get the value via a related object instead.
    > Andrus
    > On Mar 10, 2008, at 9:30 PM, Walter Haas wrote:
    >> Hello,
    >> after creating a relationship which uses a column of the mapped type
    >> double
    >> (decimal in db) as source field, the type cast of the readProperty
    >> method
    >> throws an exception. It seems that the value is stored as BigDecimal
    >> if the
    >> field is used in a relationship!?
    >> This happens in Cayenne 3.02M and 3.03M (used with JayBird/FireBird).
    >> Is this intendet behaviour? Any way to prevent this from happening?

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