Re: 3-tier architecture

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Mar 14 2008 - 12:17:47 EDT

  • Next message: Frank Schwarz: "Re: Using JPA orm.xml with Cayenne3M3"

    On Mar 14, 2008, at 1:06 AM, Borut Bolčina wrote:

    > Can you please write a tutorial on advanced usage of Cayenne? That
    > would include patterns and best practices on how to implement and
    > configure 3-tier architecture without the missing rmi client-server
    > services.

    ROP docs are there... You can deploy a Hessian ROP service
    (essentially a webapp) and use remote clients. Remote client can be a
    Swing app, a web app, or any other Java application. Think of it as a
    web service vs. a traditional EJB2 service.

    > We can develop some scenarios, describe them, draw them and prepare
    > source
    > templates for people to start with.

    Yes, improving the docs and providing more examples is a very good
    idea. Any help with this is welcomed. For now we have a 2.0 ROP
    tutorial that shows all the moving parts involved. That's a good
    start, but I agree that we can go further.

    > P.S. I am interested in what is _mostly_ accurate, or better yet,
    > what is
    > not.

    Historically people who ran away from EJB, came to Cayenne or some
    other ORM technology. So as it happened, people who do not feel the
    need of a physically separate middleware layer running business logic
    have always been the majority of the community, and people who used
    EJB's were a small minority. This minority used the EJB recommended
    approach - DTO, etc. What is not accurate is that _nobody_ used
    Cayenne with EJB's.


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