Pb to cast Expression to ejbql string

From: Francois Eyl (fey..maeur.com)
Date: Sun Mar 16 2008 - 16:59:01 EDT

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    Hi all,

    I'm getting a strange behavior using expression and its toEJBQL method.

    I'm using this to create my where close from a given Expression. This
    works for me in many cases except for this sample :

    When I run the toString() method I get the following string (this is ok) :
      scheduleId in (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 10)
    But when I run the toEJBQL("s") I got the following string (this is wrong) :
      s.scheduleId in ()

    So, It seems that when I cast my expression to EJBQL string, parameters
    are lost (numbers from my IN close).

    Is it a normal behavior or a kind of bug ?


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