Re: Thread-safe Write DataContext

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Tue Mar 25 2008 - 20:36:04 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: EJBQL: Fetch joins are not yet supported."

    Why not create a new DataContext when you need to do write operations?

    On 3/25/08, Laurent Marchal <> wrote:
    > Hi all !
    > I spent some time searching documentation about the thread-safety status
    > of DataContext, i found some answers on this mailing list but i would
    > like to know some details :
    > I have a big application (Eclipse RCP based) which monitors a database,
    > so i have to poll the database each 10 seconds.
    > To be simple i have a single DataContext in my App in :
    > Session->getDataContext() and i created an API that look like
    > public static List<User> getAll()
    > {
    > SelectQuery q = new SelectQuery(User.class);
    > try {
    > return (List<User>)Session.getDataContext().performQuery(q);
    > } catch(CayenneRuntimeException e {
    > //manage exception
    > }
    > }
    > So everywhere the API use a single DataContext no bound to a thread.
    > Naturally to be reactive the application fetch the data from the
    > database in a background thread (actually there is one background thread
    > for each view in the application), and what i've seen is that read
    > operations are thread-safe within a DataContext so i don't care and all
    > threads use the API and so the same DataContext.
    > Here comes the complex part : I need this single DataContext to have a
    > good cache in my app, and because the application is 90% visualization
    > and only 10% modifications, so i just had to find a thread-safe
    > workaround for writing data.
    > I tried some solutions :
    > - Bind a DC per thread is not a good solution because all my fetching is
    > in background threads so the main Session DC (in the UI thread) is never
    > updated.
    > - I have tried to create a childDataContext bound to the current thread
    > for writing, but i had some strange behaviors, and i don't know if the
    > flushToParent() is thread safe ?
    > So i would like to know if the new LifecycleListener can be used to
    > "lock" the DataContext while writing, to have a single thread-safe R/W
    > DataContext like :
    > dataContext.getEntityResolver().getCallbackRegistry().addDefaultListener(new
    > LifecycleListener(){
    > Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
    > public void postPersist(Object entity) {
    > lock.unlock();
    > }
    > public void postRemove(Object entity) {
    > lock.unlock();
    > }
    > public void postUpdate(Object entity) {
    > lock.unlock();
    > }
    > public void prePersist(Object entity) {
    > lock.lock();
    > }
    > public void preRemove(Object entity) {
    > lock.lock();
    > }
    > public void preUpdate(Object entity) {
    > lock.lock();
    > }
    > });
    > Do you think it can be a good solution ?
    > Thanks.
    > Laurent Marchal.

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