Re: How to propoerly close context db connection

From: Marcin Skladaniec (
Date: Mon Mar 31 2008 - 22:05:03 EDT

I'm not sure, but try this:

query.setCachePolicy(QueryMetadata.LOCAL_CACHE_REFRESH); // or

this will force the refresh of the results of the query you execute,
regardless of what they are


On 01/04/2008, at 11:13 AM, Colin Bankier wrote:
> Thanks Andrus - but shouldn't something like getQueryCache().clear()
> at least
> clear any cache so that cayenne will retrieve the data fresh from
> the DB
> once the file has been overwritten? (Even if the connection isn't
> closed
> properly while this is happening.) This doesn't seem to be having any
> effect.
> I've also tried to look at the CAY-632 RefreshQuery, or
> context.invalidateObjects(), but really wanted to refresh the whole
> cache -
> not just a particular collection of objects. Perhaps I just need to
> know how
> to use these correctly.
> Any suggestions on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Colin.
> Andrus Adamchik wrote:
>> Cayenne itself works with a DataSource. All connection management and
>> starting and stopping the embedded DB is deferred to the DataSource
>> and is beyond Cayenne scope. The default DataSource implementation
>> pools connections. If you need a different policy, you need to
>> provide
>> a DataSource that does whatever is appropriate in your environment.
>> Custom DataSource is installed by providing a special
>> DataSourceFactory for a give DataNode in the Modeler.
>> Andrus
> --
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