Typically, you're just going to use a paginated query:
SelectQuery q = new SelectQuery(Artist.class);
q.setPageSize(50);//triggers the pagination.
You can get the size of the result set without faulting every (or any)
object in it, jump to specific objects w/in the query (and only fault
the "neighboring" objects on the same page), etc.
This works well for most things. With the recent performances
improvements in 3.0, this works wonderfully for a large portion of use
cases out there.
You can also use setFetchLimit to limit the # of results returned.
Unfortunately, there's no corresponding "setOffset" method. But you
can use SQLTemplate to accomplish the task, if you really need it.
On Apr 2, 2008, at 4/22:49 AM , John Emmanuel wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a best practice for paging in a web application.
> If so, can somebody please direct me to a demo/article/tutorial.
> If none is available could somebody just briefly tell me how
> they incorporated paging in a production webapp.
> I have read the documentation (which provides examples
> of paging in desktop apps), have gone through the
> petstore example (which uses ibatis PaginatedList (which btw has
> now been deprecated), but am not clear about the best way
> to go about it.
> regards,
> John Emmanuel
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