Relationship caching

From: Laurent Marchal (
Date: Tue Apr 15 2008 - 08:23:43 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Relationship caching"


    i have disabled caching in cayenne with :

        <property name="cayenne.DataDomain.sharedCache" value="false"/>

    but when i want to use a flatened relationship like :

        List<AccessCode> userAccessCodes = user.getRelatedAccessCodes();

    the SQL request is only made the first time, after cayenne use his cache
    to return the AccessCode list.
    The only way i found to force cayenne to resend the query is to use :

        _context.performNonSelectingQuery(new RefreshQuery(user));

    but this query invalidate all others relationships of the user object.

    - Why cayenne is caching, how can i disable all caches ?
    - Is there a way to NOT cache relationships by default and re-ask
    relationships each time ?


    Laurent Marchal

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