It's a nice solution , i found another too that i missed in the
documentation :
RelationshipQuery is used by Cayenne internally to fetch object(s)
related to a single given object via a mapped ObjRelationship. In some
cases the query can be used directly in the application, e.g. if we want
to refresh related objects.
ObjectId id = new ObjectId("Artist", "ARTIST_ID", 55);
RelationshipQuery query = new RelationshipQuery(id, "paintingArray", true);
List paintings = context.performQuery(query);
Mike Kienenberger wrote:
> One way to guarantee it would be to change the code generation so that
> the getters perform an explicit query. You'll always be sure to get
> the latest database values, and you won't have to worry about
> invalidating anything.
> In Cayenne 1.2 code, it'd look something like this, although there's a
> bit more work involved in getting the generator to populate the
> upper-case values. If you need help with that, ask.
> public List<AccessCode> getRelatedAccessCodes()
> {
> return getDataContext().performQuery(
> this)));
> }
> On 4/15/08, Laurent Marchal <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> i have disabled caching in cayenne with :
>> <property name="cayenne.DataDomain.sharedCache"
>> value="false"/>
>> but when i want to use a flatened relationship like :
>> List<AccessCode> userAccessCodes = user.getRelatedAccessCodes();
>> the SQL request is only made the first time, after cayenne use his cache to
>> return the AccessCode list.
>> The only way i found to force cayenne to resend the query is to use :
>> _context.performNonSelectingQuery(new
>> RefreshQuery(user));
>> but this query invalidate all others relationships of the user object.
>> - Why cayenne is caching, how can i disable all caches ?
>> - Is there a way to NOT cache relationships by default and re-ask
>> relationships each time ?
>> thanks.
>> Laurent Marchal
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