Maybe someone in the past has already met this issue, so sorry if I ask it again!
I've got 3 tables: employee, depts and tasks having 2 fk: one from employees to depts and one from employees to tasks.
I've modeled both tables and relations using modeler.
After that I created a simple application when I want to create a detail form for an employee having info about emp, his task and dept.
When I use this form in "insert mode", I create an emp value object having two relations to dept and task "inner" value objects.
The problem arises when I commit that obj: Cayenne attempts to insert one record to task, one to dept and finally one for emp and this is wrong for me:
I want it only inserts one record for emp: task and dept already exists in the db!
For instance, Hibernate ORM provides an attribute for xml descriptor about relation between two objs: using this attribute it is possible to avoid inner value objects insertion (i.e. value objects related to the main value object, emp...)
How can I specify the same concept using Cayenne?
Thanks for the help,
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