Hello Andrus,
what is the elegant 3.0M3 Cayenne way to do select MAX?
2007/10/9 Andrus Adamchik <andru..bjectstyle.org>:
> Hi Jan,
> Looks like what you need is a SQLTemplate query:
> http://cayenne.apache.org/doc/sqltemplate-query.html
> Here is a mockup code example:
> SQLTemplate q = new SQLTemplate(SomeClass.class, "select MAX(id) from
> table");
> q.setFetchingDataRows(true);
> Map row = (Map) DataObjectUtils.objectForQuery(q);
> Number id = (Number) row.values().iterator().next();
> (Cayenne 3.0 will be featuring more elegant API to achieve that, but still
> the code above should work just as well)
> Andrus
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