estimating proper object cache size

From: Marcin Skladaniec (
Date: Sat Jul 05 2008 - 01:20:42 EDT

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    I spent some time today trying to find correlation between the object
    cache size and application performance to establish what setting would
    be the best.
    Initially the object cache was set to 5000, which I thought is too
    low, since in our app we often fetch tens of thousands of records. I
    expected some improvement when I changed the setting to 250000, yet
    all the queries took exactly the same time. I did something different
    then, fixed the value at 10, again no difference.

    During my tests I was fetching 1k, 10k or 100k records using ROP.
    Select queries with no paging, no query caching. It was always that
    the first query took a while longer (about 20%), but as mentioned
    before the object cache size setting did not influence it.

    How do I tell that the object cache is working at all? Why the results
    are no different to each other ?

    With regards

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