Re: CayenneModeler: "Superclass Package

From: Joe Baldwin (
Date: Tue Jul 08 2008 - 11:04:26 EDT

  • Next message: Joe Baldwin: "Re: CayenneModeler: "Superclass Package"


    Is the "local modeler preferences DB per project" an xml file or is it
    one of the "db" binary files?

    I perused the project xml files but could not find the value.

    BTW, if this is in fact a bug, then I believe that I recall that the
    "Local Data Sources" DB URL is not being saved as well.

    I have been using Cayenne for a few versions now; is it possible that
    there is a preferences collision of some sort? (Apple Tech support
    solves a lot of their problems by deleting preferences files.)


    On Jul 8, 2008, at 10:52 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > It should be saved in the local modeler preferences DB per project.
    > But I know what you are talking about - I've seen it misbehave. I
    > think it is a bug in the Modeler. A Jira is appreciated.
    > Andrus
    > On Jul 8, 2008, at 5:46 PM, Joe Baldwin wrote:
    >> Where is the CayenneModeler attribute "Superclass Package" saved
    >> for 3M4?
    >> (It appears that all changes to "Superclass Package" are lost once
    >> CayenneModeler is terminated.)

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