Hi all,
I have a problem that i cannot solve. My customer has a strange
database schema : each table has a related "AUX" table where extended
properties are stored in rows. For example
| Artist |
| Id | Name |
| 1 | John Smith |
| Artist_AUX |
| Id | Name | Value |
| 1 | DateOfBirth | 18/02/70 |
| 1 | Gender | Male |
| 1 | NickName | JSmith |
It was a solution for my customer to store a lot of extended properties
for Artist without adding/removing columns in the Artist table...
To deal with this, i do not want to make a SQL request each time the
user want to set/get an AUX property.
So i created an AuxManager which basically fetch all aux rows in the AUX
table the first time the user want to get/set a value in the AUX.
This way only one request is made to fetch all extended properties.
A simplified Artist class looks like :
class Artist {
//extended properties list
private list<Artist_AUX> _auxList;
public getDateOfBirth() {
if (_auxList == null) {
_auxList = Artist.fetchAllArtistAux();
return _auxList.get("DateOfBirth");
The getDateOfBirth() is an extended property, so if the aux row list
is null, I fetch all the Artist_AUX rows in one time and then do the stuff.
My problem is : since cayenne has only 1 instance of each unique
persistent object, the persistent Artist object is not re-created for
each query, so the internal "list<Artist_AUX> _auxList" is not reseted
to null, and the extended properties are not refreshed.
How can i force this list to be refreshed when a fresh Artist object is
fetched ? Or is there another way to do that ?
Laurent Marchal.
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