What to do with new objects if validation fails on Commit

From: Devyandu (devyand..mail.com)
Date: Tue Jul 15 2008 - 15:49:03 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Unique persistent object and caching issue"

    I am new to Cayenne but enjoying using it, I have a question about what to
    do with new or modified objects when a validation failure or runtime
    exception happens on Commit.

    This is my Environment
    TomCat 5.0
    Java 1.4.2
    Cayenne 2.0.4

    For example in my save new painting Actionclass

    DataContext context=context.getgetThreadDataContext();
    //Get artist object
    Artist a= (Artist)DataObjectUtils.objectForPK(context,State.class, 1);
    Painting p = (Painting)context.newObject(Painting.class);
    //Fill in painting from Form post (I use Dozer)
    catch (Exception e)
      //What to do here ???

    What do I do when there is an exception, (unregisterobjects?) I do not want
    the modified Artist and the new Painting sitting on the context. Because
    Cayenne would try to commit them if the user went to the gallery screen now
    and changed a Gallery.

    Should I not use the threadDataContext in a web app and create a new data
    context for each save page to avoid this problem.

    What is the convention for a web/struts app. I am sure many people have
    encountered and solved this before me.
    Thanks in advance,

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