Re: Retrieve extra, generated column when loading objects

From: Wout (
Date: Mon Jul 21 2008 - 03:39:14 EDT

  • Next message: Laurent Marchal: "Re: Queries order on commit."

    Mike Kienenberger schreef:
    > Wout wrote:
    >> I am building a complaint management system. When I'm loading a
    >> list of complaints, I'd like to retrieve an extra column that
    >> contains some information that is determined in SQL on the fly.
    > 2) Create a view in oracle so that the computed value of TOO_LATE
    > looks like a column.
    > You might need to use method 2) since your value is dependent on
    > SYSDATE. If you were willing to switch it to depend on the system
    > date of the client, you could use method 1).

    Thanks for the tip! I hadn't even thought of views. I'm now using views,
    because I need to be able to sort and filter my results on the extra column.

    Best regards,


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