Re: hashing, best practices?

From: Robert Zeigler (
Date: Thu Aug 07 2008 - 15:18:24 EDT

  • Next message: Jens Mayer: "Re: Re: SQLTemplate and setPageSize()"

    Yeah, that's what I've always done, as well.
    I was just sitting here wondering if there was a way to take advantage
    of the db functions.
    Ah well. Thanks!


    On Aug 7, 2008, at 8/72:00 PM , Michael Gentry wrote:

    > I've done it in code. If your Java side is the same as the DB side,
    > it really doesn't much matter (like using SHA1). (If you want someone
    > to be able to reset the password from the SQL command-line, for
    > example). Doing it in code seems fine to me. Create a setPassword()
    > cover method in that hashes it and sets it in the parent:
    > public void setPassword(String newPassword)
    > {
    > super.setPassword(sha1(newPassword));
    > }
    > This way you toss the plain-text password quickly. Also, if it is set
    > to the original password, Cayenne will skip it as a changed value.
    > I've also used this technique with encryption, too. You have to
    > override the set/get methods for the encrypted fields (say, a social
    > security number or a credit card number). It is a little more work to
    > do queries on encrypted fields, of course.
    > On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 1:13 PM, Robert Zeigler <
    > > wrote:
    >> Hi all,
    >> Up to this point, whenever I've had to store hashed text (say, the
    >> hashed
    >> from of a password) in the db, I've simply hashed in code.
    >> But the question arose the other day of how you would go about
    >> doing this on
    >> the database sided (assuming your target db supports your target hash
    >> function).
    >> Say, for example, you have the following table:
    >> users
    >> id integer
    >> username varchar('32')
    >> password varchar('40')
    >> And you want to hash the password as sha1.
    >> Using mysql and straight sql, you would do something like:
    >> insert into users (id,username,password)
    >> values(1,'userx',sha1('usery'));
    >> Is there some way to get cayenne to generate this same sql when
    >> inserting
    >> new rows?
    >> Or, for example, when cayenne detects a diff in password, and does
    >> an update
    >> users set password=..., to have it do password=sha1('newpassword')?
    >> Of course, I can hash the password in code... but it would be nice if
    >> cayenne could somehow manage this for me.
    >> And I could do some sort of ugly hack like having a post-persist
    >> callback
    >> that executes sqltemplate to sha1-hash the value of the newly
    >> inserted
    >> row... but that really is ugly.
    >> Surely I'm not the only one who hashes passwords in the
    >> database. ;) What
    >> are other people doing here? Does everyone just handle the hashing
    >> in code,
    >> like I've been doing up until now?
    >> Robert

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