MySQL Spatial Data types

From: Rick Blair (
Date: Sun Aug 10 2008 - 22:23:33 EDT

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: MySQL Spatial Data types"

    Hi all,

    Sorry if this is a FAQ, however could not find an answer.

    I have an existing mysql (5.1) database that has a column named location
    that is a POINT datatype. I used the DataModeler and attached to my
    database. I was able to use my existing schema, however the data type in
    the Modeler for that column show as OTHER. The class that was generated was
    had the following methods:

        public void setLocation($classGen.formatJavaType(${attr.Type}) location)
    { writeProperty("location", location); }

        public $classGen.formatJavaType(${attr.Type}) getLocation() {
    return ($classGen.formatJavaType(${attr.Type}))readProperty("location");
    Clearly this is just an unmodified template.

    I tried changing the data type to BINARY, but got the same result.

    Has anyone successfully used spatial data with Cayenne? If so, how?

    Thanks in advance.



    Rick Blair

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