PK ID retrieval code generation seems to fail

From: John Armstrong (
Date: Sun Aug 17 2008 - 05:38:01 EDT

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: PK ID retrieval code generation seems to fail"

    Using M4 I map my PK field (id) to an object field as per the wiki
    here :

    In my generated class these two functions are added:

        public void setId(int id) {
            writeProperty("id", id);
        public $classGen.formatJavaType(${attr.Type}) getId() {
            Object value = readProperty("id");
            return (value != null) ? (Integer) value : 0;

    The getId() doesn't compile as it looks like something is not
    interpolating cleanly during class generation?

    Also, the PK value is not generated into the object (According to my
    debugger at least).

    I'll go redesign my database better (The Right Answer) but if this is
    an issue it might be a good fix for a future release, assuming its a
    bug and I am understanding correctly.


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