Re: Object Cache

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Aug 26 2008 - 08:22:02 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Using SQLTemplate to prefetch relationships."

    This should work within the sane DataContext - you should see the
    object on the opposite end of relationship immediately. Can you post
    the relevant code that you are using to set and check the
    relationship? Also what happens in these few seconds (i.e. if this is
    a web application, does it happen in the same request)?


    On Aug 26, 2008, at 8:10 AM, Ian Jamieson wrote:

    > Hi List
    > I'm using cayenne 3M4.
    > I'm a but confused with how to handle the cache.
    > I have two objects A related to B in a one to many relationship.
    > when I add objects B objects related to A, and immediately in a
    > subsequent call ask for those B objects related to A, the new B
    > objects
    > are not present, though they are after trying the call again after a
    > few
    > seconds.
    > To fix it, once I added a B object to A's B objects, I set object A as
    > hollow, so
    > that the next time A is used, it reloads...
    > Is this the right way to make objects refresh their cache ?
    > Its a web application, and the same dataContext is used in the
    > different
    > calls that
    > use object A.
    > Ian

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