Stateless server (GWT)

From: Krzysztof Janowicz (
Date: Wed Aug 27 2008 - 07:23:57 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Stateless server (GWT)"


    I am playing around with GWT, trying to implement a stateful client with
    a stateless server (IMO this is the paradigm shift proposed by the
    google guys). While this is a very promising solution for massive Web
    2.0 ajax applications, I am running into some trouble handling this with
    cayenne (2.0.4).

    Most of the application logic is handled by the GWT client. The servlet
    (GWT RPCService) is only used if the users change their settings or have
    to interact with each other. As there will be many users I don't want to
    have a session and associated datacontext per user. This would be very
    ineffective, since communication between client and server is reduced to
    a minimum. In addition, the datacontext stores objects in the
    objectstore to manage their states, this is not necessary in a stateless
    server scenario. Moreover, there are several isolated RPC services the
    users are interacting with.

    Hence, I decided to bind the context to a thread (see Each
    servlet handles a couple of threads automatically (in my case tomcat)
    and each thread has an own datacontext. This seems to be a nice solution
    as I don't face and tread-safety problems and don't need to care about

    The first thing when executing a method within a RPCService is to call a
    getcontext() method which gets the datacontext bounded to the thread
    (DataContext.getThreadDataContext()) or creates one
    if this is the first time this thread is executed by the servlet
    container. My only concern so far is the objectstore of the datacontext
    which keeps collecting objects. I set cayenne.DataRowStore.snapshot.size
    to 1 but this only affects the DataRowStore. I tried to use
    context.getObjectStore().startTrackingNewObjects() and then
    context.getObjectStore().unregisterNewObjects() every time i get the
    context from the thread but this does not solve my problem. IMO i don't
    need to track any objects in the objectStore. If a client calls a
    RPCService to create/change/delete something, this is either directly
    commited to the DB (context.commitChanges()) or rolled back in case of
    an error (context.rollbackChanges()). As the datacontext is kept per
    thread its objectstore will run full of data which will probably be
    never used again. Is there a way to clear the objectstore (expect
    calling unregisterNode() for each created object by hand)? Should I
    create a new datacontext for a thread after a while?

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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