Rolling back changes in ROP does seem to work

From: Tarik (
Date: Mon Sep 01 2008 - 15:10:20 EDT

  • Next message: Tarik: "Rolling back changes in ROP does NOT seem to work"

    I'm trying to roll back a transaction in ROP but strangely, none of changed
    values get reverted. Am I missing something basic or is rolling back
    changes on ROP broken?

    This is what I'm doing:

            ClientConnection connection = new HessianConnection("http://" +
                    + "/cayenne-service", "cayenne-user", "secret", null);

            DataChannel channel = new ClientChannel(connection);

            ObjectContext context = new CayenneContext(channel);

            Contact contact = context.newObject(Contact.class);



            System.out.println("1. persistence state=
    "+contact.getPersistenceState()+" first name="+contact.getFirstName());


            System.out.println("2. persistence state=
    "+contact.getPersistenceState()+" first name="+contact.getFirstName());


            System.out.println("3. persistence state=
    "+contact.getPersistenceState()+" first name="+contact.getFirstName());

    1. persistence state= 3 first name=Joe
    2. persistence state= 4 first name=Jack
    3. persistence state= 3 first name=Jack


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