Re: Cayenne, XML objects and JDBC 4

From: Stephen Winnall (
Date: Sat Sep 13 2008 - 11:28:51 EDT

  • Next message: Steve Wells: "Re: Current thread has no bound DataContext (zk integration)"

    Hi Andrus

    Thanks for that. If you download the binary JDBC for PostgreSQL JDBC4
    it does indeed appear to be compiled with 1.6. So I naively downloaded
    the sources and compiled them with 1.5: no problem, worked straight
    off. This is the first time I've done anything myself with JDBC, so I
    can't comment on the general compatibility of JDK 1.5 and JDBC 4. JDK
    1.6 on the Mac is a bit of a pain at the moment because it's only 64
    bit, so not everyone can use it; and I have some native interfaces
    which barf on 64 bits...

    Do you have a feel for the effort required to support JDBC 4?


    On 13 Sep 2008, at 15:22, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Hi Stephen,
    > Yes, JDBC 4 support is not in Cayenne yet, but I'd very much love to
    > get it going asap.
    > The thing is - most of the Cayenne developers are working on Macs
    > and there's no Java 1.6 for older 32 bit Mac hardware, so we were
    > slow to jump on it (I do have a 64 bit laptop now though)...
    > So I am interested how did you get it going with Java 1.5 and
    > PostgreSQL driver? This appears counterintuitive, as the JDBC spec
    > classes are a part of the JRE (regardless of what PostgreSQL puts in
    > their driver jar), so my assumption was that JDK 1.5 is not
    > compatible with JDBC 4, period. Maybe I should do some
    > experimentation when I have more time.
    > Andrus
    > On Sep 13, 2008, at 2:42 AM, Stephen Winnall wrote:
    >> I have just discovered Cayenne and would love to use it for a
    >> project I am working on, but I can't find a way to do something
    >> which is essential for the project: I want to be able to store and
    >> manipulate XML objects in the database via JDBC 4. I'm currently
    >> using PostgreSQL 8.3 and have managed to create an XML attribute in
    >> a table which other Java programs can access, but the Cayenne
    >> Modeller can't see it. I'm using the latest JDBC 4 from PostgreSQL
    >> (8.3-603), and SQuirreL-SQL and Aqua Data Studio can see the XML
    >> attribute. Cayenne Modeller 3.0M4, using the same JDBC 4 JAR,
    >> cannot see the attribute. (Just to complete the picture, I'm
    >> running under Mac OS X 10.5 with Java 1.5).
    >> Am I right in assuming that Cayenne has not yet implemented access
    >> to XML attributes? Is there a known timescale for remedying this?
    >> Or can someone point me at a dummy's guide to how to do it with
    >> Cayenne?
    >> I was trying to decide whether to use Hibernate or iBatis when I
    >> discovered Cayenne. If Cayenne isn't going to support XML
    >> attributes via JDBC 4 in the short term I'll have to go back to one
    >> of the other two. With regret, be it said, because Cayenne seems to
    >> be a great little product.
    >> Steve

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