Hi Andrus
Thanks for that. If you download the binary JDBC for PostgreSQL JDBC4
it does indeed appear to be compiled with 1.6. So I naively downloaded
the sources and compiled them with 1.5: no problem, worked straight
off. This is the first time I've done anything myself with JDBC, so I
can't comment on the general compatibility of JDK 1.5 and JDBC 4. JDK
1.6 on the Mac is a bit of a pain at the moment because it's only 64
bit, so not everyone can use it; and I have some native interfaces
which barf on 64 bits...
Do you have a feel for the effort required to support JDBC 4?
On 13 Sep 2008, at 15:22, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
> Yes, JDBC 4 support is not in Cayenne yet, but I'd very much love to
> get it going asap.
> The thing is - most of the Cayenne developers are working on Macs
> and there's no Java 1.6 for older 32 bit Mac hardware, so we were
> slow to jump on it (I do have a 64 bit laptop now though)...
> So I am interested how did you get it going with Java 1.5 and
> PostgreSQL driver? This appears counterintuitive, as the JDBC spec
> classes are a part of the JRE (regardless of what PostgreSQL puts in
> their driver jar), so my assumption was that JDK 1.5 is not
> compatible with JDBC 4, period. Maybe I should do some
> experimentation when I have more time.
> Andrus
> On Sep 13, 2008, at 2:42 AM, Stephen Winnall wrote:
>> I have just discovered Cayenne and would love to use it for a
>> project I am working on, but I can't find a way to do something
>> which is essential for the project: I want to be able to store and
>> manipulate XML objects in the database via JDBC 4. I'm currently
>> using PostgreSQL 8.3 and have managed to create an XML attribute in
>> a table which other Java programs can access, but the Cayenne
>> Modeller can't see it. I'm using the latest JDBC 4 from PostgreSQL
>> (8.3-603), and SQuirreL-SQL and Aqua Data Studio can see the XML
>> attribute. Cayenne Modeller 3.0M4, using the same JDBC 4 JAR,
>> cannot see the attribute. (Just to complete the picture, I'm
>> running under Mac OS X 10.5 with Java 1.5).
>> Am I right in assuming that Cayenne has not yet implemented access
>> to XML attributes? Is there a known timescale for remedying this?
>> Or can someone point me at a dummy's guide to how to do it with
>> Cayenne?
>> I was trying to decide whether to use Hibernate or iBatis when I
>> discovered Cayenne. If Cayenne isn't going to support XML
>> attributes via JDBC 4 in the short term I'll have to go back to one
>> of the other two. With regret, be it said, because Cayenne seems to
>> be a great little product.
>> Steve
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