Re: Cayenne, XML objects and JDBC 4

From: Tore Halset (
Date: Mon Sep 15 2008 - 08:45:59 EDT

  • Next message: Stephen Winnall: "Re: Cayenne, XML objects and JDBC 4"

    On Sep 15, 2008, at 14:34 , Stephen Winnall wrote:

    > Hi Ari
    > I haven't got that far yet. I was going to get Cayenne to ignore the
    > XML attributes so they weren't generated in class _XXX and then
    > write my own hack in class XXX. JDBC4 does seem to work in
    > principle, just not with Cayenne.
    > Steve

    Until cayenne gets true support for JDBC 4 XML types, you should have
    a look at ExtendedType. I am using ExtendedType to map java geometries
    and even colors to text and blob in the database. It should not be
    hard to write such a ExtendedType for XML if you need it.

    Here is the example on how to create an ExtendedType to map geometries.

    Hope it helps.

      - Tore.

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