RE: Insert at a particular position in the detail list

From: Scott Anderson (
Date: Fri Sep 26 2008 - 17:46:32 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Insert at a particular position in the detail list"

    I don't think that slapping a "priority" on to the end of a table can
    pass for a solution. In order for the approach to meet the efficiency
    requirements, the width of the priority field would have to be 1 + the
    maximum unsigned value of the PK field, or else the field could run out
    of granularity. My PKs are generally 64 bits, so that means my priority
    field would have to be 4 billion times wider than the addressable space
    of a 32-bit operating system. Since I don't have the resources to
    babysit that much data, that option is definitely out.

    One could save space by redistributing the values of the priority field
    on demand, but that won't ever be able to scale - you'd have to lock the
    table too often and for too long.

    I think that the most admirable part of Cayenne is that, no matter how
    many cool things it can do, there's always an intuitive understanding of
    what it's doing under the hood, even if the algorithms involved aren't
    directly observed. This has a lot to do with the fact that Cayenne
    sticks to the basics; there's a clear mapping between what you do in the
    ORM world, and what happens in the RDB world.

    Deviating from that philosophy would really turn me off, and a perfect
    example of doing so would be to redefine what it means to add a value to
    a relationship list. Adding to the relationship collection is the
    equivalent of doing an INSERT, and it goes no deeper than that. As long
    as that metric is maintained -- and I do hope that is forever -- the
    only way forward is to decorate what it means to be a relationship to
    account for this special case.

    Ultimately, the problem has to be solved in the schema. Whatever
    approach you choose to take, and whether or not Cayenne respects that
    behind the scenes is irrelevant if the schema isn't modeled to cater to
    the needs of the application.

    We need to find a design pattern that everyone can agree on. I'd like to
    ask anyone who is reading this, and has the time, to say what would be
    important for them if Cayenne were to approach ordered relationships.

    For me, scalability is always a high priority. I see the value in being
    able to jump to the middle of the list quickly, so a linked list won't
    work well when the chain gets long.

    Simplicity is also important. The databases I interact with via Cayenne
    are not exclusively touched by Cayenne, so if the approach requires me
    to fill up my database with all kinds of non-intuitive relational
    tables, I'm not going to take that approach.

    Since it seems that simplicity (no extra tables), scalability (no linked
    lists), and speed (no sorting) can't all co-exist simultaneously, I
    think there has to be multiple solutions. The developer will have to
    pick which one works for them, but hopefully they will be able to all
    spawn from the generic List interface.

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