Re: 3.0M4 : Fetching from relationship returns TRANSIENT objects.

From: Laurent Marchal (
Date: Mon Sep 29 2008 - 05:53:16 EDT

  • Next message: Chris Murphy: "ROP - server DOs to client DOs failure"

    Filed a bug


    Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > Hi Laurent,
    > sorry didn't have time to look at this yet. Yes, please open a Jira
    > with these details. We'll try to get to it.
    > Thanks,
    > Andrus
    > On Sep 24, 2008, at 12:00 PM, Laurent Marchal wrote:
    >> Hello Andrus,
    >> Have you some time to look at this problem, i think it's a bug. I
    >> can file a bug if you want.
    >> Thanks.
    >> Laurent.
    >> Laurent Marchal wrote:
    >>> Hi Andrus,
    >>> I post on the mailing list with a new mail adress, because my
    >>> provider sucks....
    >>> I will try to detail more what i do, so you can reproduce this in
    >>> your test case. Maybe i'ts because you don't have prefetching or "to
    >>> dep PK".
    >>> There is a relationship between MasterJob--->MasterJobAux where i
    >>> checked "To Dep PK" since no ARTIST_AUX rows can exists without
    >>> corresponding MasterJob.
    >>> When i fetch a MasterJob i have added a prefetch for MasterJobAux :
    >>> query.addPrefetch(MasterJob.RELATED_MASTER_JOB_AUX_PROPERTY);
    >>> Code I use to get/create/delete MasterJobAux
    >>> protected MasterJobAux createAux(ILookupFieldCodes
    >>> fieldCode, Short seqNo, String value) {
    >>> MasterJobAux aux =
    >>> MasterJob.this.getObjectContext().newObject(MasterJobAux.class);
    >>> aux.setScheduleId(MasterJob.this.getScheduleId());
    >>> aux.setJobName(MasterJob.this.getJobName());
    >>> aux.setJaFieldCode((int) fieldCode.getID());
    >>> aux.setJaSequenceNumber(seqNo);
    >>> aux.setJavalue(value);
    >>> aux.setRelatedMasterJob(MasterJob.this);
    >>> return aux;
    >>> }
    >>> protected List<MasterJobAux> fetchAuxList() throws
    >>> OpconException {
    >>> return MasterJob.this.getRelatedMasterJobAux();
    >>> }
    >>> protected void deleteAux(MasterJobAux toDelete) throws
    >>> OpconException {
    >>> MasterJob.this.removeFromRelatedMasterJobAux(toDelete);
    >>> MasterJob.this.getObjectContext().deleteObject(toDelete);
    >>> }
    >>> Cayenne XML :
    >>> <obj-entity name="MasterJob"
    >>> className="com.sma.core.api.master.MasterJob" dbEntityName="JMASTER"
    >>> superClassName="com.sma.core.api.DataAccessObject">
    >>> <obj-attribute name="accessCodeId" type="java.lang.Short"
    >>> db-attribute-path="ACCESSCDID"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="altenateMachine1Id"
    >>> type="java.lang.Short" db-attribute-path="ALTMACH1ID"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="altenateMachine2Id"
    >>> type="java.lang.Short" db-attribute-path="ALTMACH2ID"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="altenateMachine3Id"
    >>> type="java.lang.Short" db-attribute-path="ALTMACH3ID"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="deptartmentId" type="java.lang.Short"
    >>> db-attribute-path="DEPTID"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="estimatedRuntime"
    >>> type="java.lang.Integer" db-attribute-path="ESTRUNTIME"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="jobGroupId" type="java.lang.Short"
    >>> db-attribute-path="JOBGROUPID"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="jobName" type="java.lang.String"
    >>> db-attribute-path="JOBNAME"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="jobTypeId" type="java.lang.Short"
    >>> db-attribute-path="JOBTYPE"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="machineGroupId" type="java.lang.Short"
    >>> db-attribute-path="MACHGRPID"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="primaryMachineId"
    >>> type="java.lang.Short" db-attribute-path="PRIMMACHID"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="scheduleId" type="java.lang.Integer"
    >>> db-attribute-path="SKDID"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="shortName" type="java.lang.String"
    >>> db-attribute-path="SHORTNAME"/>
    >>> </obj-entity>
    >>> <obj-entity name="MasterJobAux"
    >>> className="com.sma.core.api.auxs.MasterJobAux"
    >>> dbEntityName="JMASTER_AUX"
    >>> superClassName="com.sma.core.api.DataAccessObject">
    >>> <obj-attribute name="jaFieldCode" type="java.lang.Integer"
    >>> db-attribute-path="JAFC"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="jaSequenceNumber"
    >>> type="java.lang.Short" db-attribute-path="JASEQNO"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="javalue" type="java.lang.String"
    >>> db-attribute-path="JAVALUE"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="jobName" type="java.lang.String"
    >>> db-attribute-path="JOBNAME"/>
    >>> <obj-attribute name="scheduleId" type="java.lang.Integer"
    >>> db-attribute-path="SKDID"/>
    >>> </obj-entity>
    >>> <db-relationship name="toMasterJobAux" source="JMASTER"
    >>> target="JMASTER_AUX" toDependentPK="true" toMany="true">
    >>> <db-attribute-pair source="SKDID" target="SKDID"/>
    >>> <db-attribute-pair source="JOBNAME" target="JOBNAME"/>
    >>> </db-relationship>
    >>> <obj-relationship name="relatedMasterJobAux" source="MasterJob"
    >>> target="MasterJobAux" db-relationship-path="toMasterJobAux"/>
    >>> To reproduce the problem :
    >>> 1) Fetch MasterJobAux using the relationships
    >>> MasterJob.getRelatedMasterJobAux();
    >>> 2) delete/create some MasterJobAux
    >>> MasterJob.removeFromRelatedMasterJobAux(toDelete);
    >>> MasterJob.getObjectContext().deleteObject(toDelete);
    >>> 3) Rollback
    >>> 4) re-Fetch MasterJobAux using the relationships
    >>> MasterJob.getRelatedMasterJobAux();
    >>> I get TRANSIENT objects, you can look a the SQL log attached where
    >>> there is some others details.
    >>> Thanks.
    >>> Laurent marchal.
    >>>> Hi,
    >>>> Sorry, you posted this earlier and looks like nobody replied yet.
    >>>> So my question is : is this normal to get *TRANSIENT* objects from
    >>>> a relationship after a rollback ?
    >>>> No, it is not normal. I just created a test case to reproduce it
    >>>> and things seem to be working ok:
    >>>> PaintingInfo info = ctxt.newObject(PaintingInfo.class);
    >>>> info.setTextReview("XXX"); p1.setToPaintingInfo(info);
    >>>> assertSame(info, p1.getToPaintingInfo()); ctxt.rollbackChanges();
    >>>> assertNull(p1.getToPaintingInfo());
    >>>> Does it look like the scenario that you have, or am I missing
    >>>> something?
    >>>> Thanks, Andrus
    >>>> On Sep 15, 2008, at 12:22 PM, Laurent Marchal wrote:
    >>>> Hello again !
    >>>> I have a strange thing happening in Cayenne 3.0M4 : I have two
    >>>> tables ARTIST and ARTIST_AUX where extended artist's properties are
    >>>> stored.
    >>>> There is a relationship between ARTIST--->ARTIST_AUX where i
    >>>> checked "To Dep PK" since no ARTIST_AUX rows can exists without
    >>>> corresponding ARTIST.
    >>>> I have also a addPrefetch(ARTIST_AUX) when i retrieve ARTISTs.
    >>>> In my "artist editor" I create ARTIST_AUX rows at need and when an
    >>>> error occurs i do a rollback(). The strange thing is that when i
    >>>> refetch ARTISTS_AUX with the relationship, instead of getting only
    >>>> existing ARTISTS_AUX, i get also the ARTISTS_AUX created before the
    >>>> rollback() with the *TRANSIENT* state and no ObjectContext associated.
    >>>> So my question is : is this normal to get *TRANSIENT* objects from
    >>>> a relationship after a rollback ?
    >>>> Thanks Laurent Marchal.

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