We did some research on SQLXML. The summary is this: whatever JDBC4
compatibility claims various driver vendors are making, none of them
includes actual support for SQLXML (with a possible exception of DB2).
Whatever "support" you saw in other tools is probably just treating
those columns as String (which Cayenne does just fine as well).
We can fake it on Cayenne end bby implementing our own in-memory
SQLXML class mapped to a character column. This seems pretty
meaningless though, as the user can read XML from a String and back
just as easily. We may still do that fake SQLXML, but for now we'll
probably wait for the drivers to catch up.
Here is some relevant links:
On Sep 13, 2008, at 2:42 AM, Stephen Winnall wrote:
> I have just discovered Cayenne and would love to use it for a
> project I am working on, but I can't find a way to do something
> which is essential for the project: I want to be able to store and
> manipulate XML objects in the database via JDBC 4. I'm currently
> using PostgreSQL 8.3 and have managed to create an XML attribute in
> a table which other Java programs can access, but the Cayenne
> Modeller can't see it. I'm using the latest JDBC 4 from PostgreSQL
> (8.3-603), and SQuirreL-SQL and Aqua Data Studio can see the XML
> attribute. Cayenne Modeller 3.0M4, using the same JDBC 4 JAR, cannot
> see the attribute. (Just to complete the picture, I'm running under
> Mac OS X 10.5 with Java 1.5).
> Am I right in assuming that Cayenne has not yet implemented access
> to XML attributes? Is there a known timescale for remedying this? Or
> can someone point me at a dummy's guide to how to do it with Cayenne?
> I was trying to decide whether to use Hibernate or iBatis when I
> discovered Cayenne. If Cayenne isn't going to support XML attributes
> via JDBC 4 in the short term I'll have to go back to one of the
> other two. With regret, be it said, because Cayenne seems to be a
> great little product.
> Steve
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