Re: Problem with cayenne accessing mixed tables in Postgresql

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Dec 05 2008 - 08:51:30 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Sequence postgres."

    Interesting... Seems to be working for me.

    1. I created a test project in CayenneModeler 2.0.4. Here is how the
    double quotes are saved - this is valid XML, and it loads back ok:

    <data-map project-version="2.0">
            <db-entity name="&quot;test&quot;">

    2. Since I don't have any 2.0 projects, I then switched to 3.0, and
    modified one of my existing DataMaps to use quotes for table names.
    With this setup I can confirm that runtime also works.

    So is it possible that your Modeler is older than 2.0.4 (while runtime
    is 2.0.4)? Take a look at the saved map.xml file - does it escape the
    quotes correctly?


    On Dec 5, 2008, at 9:41 AM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

    > It seems Cayenne cannot parse the datamap with double quotes - they
    > conflict
    > with other XML code. I suggest you try one of the following:
    > 1. Wrap table names in single quotes (')
    > or
    > 2. Use &quot; instead of quote symbols
    > 2008/12/5, Alex Gallo <>:
    >> Thanks very much for your quick response.
    >> However another problem comes up if I try to enclose the table name
    >> in
    >> double quotes. I tend to get this error:
    >> org.apache.cayenne.ConfigurationException: [v.2.0.4 October 8 2007]
    >> Error
    >> during Configuration initialization. [v.2.0.4 October 8 2007] Load
    >> failures.
    >> Main configuration class:
    >> org.apache.cayenne.conf.DefaultConfiguration,
    >> details:
    >> reason:
    >> map
    >> loading failed - [v.2.0.4 October 8 2007] Wrong DataMap format, last
    >> processed tag: <null
    >> It seems cayenne encounters a read problem with the Data Map on the
    >> node
    >> containing double quotes
    >> Again your help is very much appreciated
    >> Alex Gallo

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