Proper use of nesting DataContexts in RCP

From: Lawrence Gerstley (
Date: Fri Dec 12 2008 - 00:26:21 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Proper use of nesting DataContexts in RCP"


    I've been using Cayenne quite successfully for sometime in creating my
    Eclipse RCP applications, but there is something that has flummoxed me
    for sometime, and was wondering about best practices. I've been
    creating a childDataContext (let's call in EDITORCHILDCTXT) every time
    I open up an EditorPart, so that it can use the Eclipse dirty/save
    model. This works fine, but a problem arises when I have dialogs in
    the editor. If I was editing, say, an ontological concept--let's call
    in CONCEPT, and it has 0-many PROPERTY, I might have a dialog window
    pop-up to create that property. The first thing I want to do in such a
    dialog is to create a CANDIDATE_PROPERTY, and add it to CONCEPT1. To
    do this, I would create a childDataContext (called DIALOGCHILDCTXT) as
    a child of EDITORCHILDCTXT.

    Now, ideally, I'd create and register a new PROPERTY and add it to the
    CONCEPT1 (something like "addToConceptProperties"). The problem, of
    course, is that the newly created PROPERTY1 is in DIALOGCHILDCONTEXT,
    and CONCEPT1 is in EDITORCHILDCTXT. The desired behavior is to be able
    to use a <Cancel> button in the dialog, rollback and close
    DIALOGCHILDCONTEXT, losing the PROPERTY information, but leaving any
    changes to CONCEPT1 in EDITORCHILDCTXT intact, and commit only if the
    user confirms a save in that editor.

    Now, I don't think that I want to move CONCEPT1 to the
    DIALOGCHILDCONTEXT when I open the dialog--doesn't that mean that I'd
    have to move it back when I close said dialog? Or do I want to get
    another copy of CONCEPT1 in the DIALOGCHILDCTXT to use for the
    addition of the new PROPERTY, and if I do that, how can I inform
    CONCEPT1 in the EDITORCHILDCTXT that it has a new PROPERTY, but not
    lose any of its other changes? Or, does this type of paradigm just not
    work here? Or, finally, am I just missing something terribly obvious,
    and have made a fool of myself. :)

    I've gone back and read some of your 2007 discussions about connecting
    relationships between different contexts, and combed through the
    documentation, but really can't determine how to do this without
    forcing premature commits, breaking the editor dirty/save paradigm. If
    you have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them!

    Many thanks,


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