RE: Cayenne with JGroups replication

From: Pirola Davide (
Date: Wed Dec 24 2008 - 09:44:33 EST

  • Next message: Tore Halset: "Re: Cayenne with JGroups replication"

    Hi Tore,
    thanks for your answer.
    Ha-jdbc seems to be a great product.
    It can be used in conjunction with Cayenne?
    I prefer to demand to Cayenne all the stuffs involved in the connection to the database (es connection pooling), and use its API to read and write.
    Do you think that it is possible?


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Tore Halset []
    Sent: martedì 23 dicembre 2008 19.50
    Subject: Re: Cayenne with JGroups replication


    Cayenne uses jgroups to synchronize the caches. Use ha-jdbc or sequoia
    to sync the databases.

      - Tore.

    On Dec 23, 2008, at 16:39, Pirola Davide <>

    > Hi,
    > i'm developing a web application that need to store some data.
    > For some reasons i can't have a database installed on a cluster, so
    > I inted to use Apache Derby (Java DB embedded in the JDK 6.0).
    > The main issue is due to the fact that i have 2 front end server so
    > I need to synchronize the data stored in the 2 instance of the Derby
    > database.
    > My idea is to use JGroups to permit to the servers to communicate in
    > multicast way and manually realize the synchronization.
    > Whit a great surprise I found this article in the Cayenne manual:
    > so cayenne already perform this kind of job?
    > Where I can find some documentation or example about it?
    > This solution can be used in production with a high traffic web site?
    > Thanks
    > Davide
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