Re: tapestry5-cayenne

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Fri Jan 16 2009 - 09:54:46 EST

  • Next message: Sid Ferreira: "Re: How to?"

    Hi Borut,
    There was actually a small discussion regarding the tapestry5-cayenne
    project here a couple months ago, but I can't find it at the moment (I guess
    my MarkMail search mojo is lacking). We have a good intersection with Kevin
    Menard being a committer on Cayenne and Tapestry, and Robert Zeigler being a
    commiter on Cayenne and the tapestry5-cayenne project. The bigger issues
    would be time to support it plus who has ownership. (Should Cayenne provide
    it? Tapestry? Keep it at Google?) BTW, I'd love to see it listed on the
    Tapestry site, too.

    OT: I've actually had your blog bookmarked and it looks like nice Tapestry
    tutorials. I've sent the link to several friends interested in Tapestry.


    On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 4:13 AM, Borut Bolčina <>wrote:

    > Hi,
    > after a while I checked the list at
    > again to see
    > if
    > anything is happening. I am doing a tutorial series on Tapestry 5 at
    > and my plan is to include Cayenne 3.0M5 in
    > the near future.
    > As a fan of Cayenne, I would like to see tapestry-cayenne module side by
    > side to tapestry-hibernate module at
    > the menu on the left side
    > under Tapestry 5 Modules.
    > Can I help in any way for this to happen?
    > Moreover, a 0.2 release of tapestry5-cayenne is neccessary now as Cayenne
    > 3.0M5 and Tapestry 5.0.18 are released. And the documentation on
    > tapestry5-cayenne needs examples and more explanations.
    > Any chance for this to happen in a month?
    > Regards,
    > Borut

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