Re: SQL domain types in Cayenne

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Jan 18 2009 - 06:47:04 EST

  • Next message: Stephen Winnall: "Re: SQL domain types in Cayenne"

    Hi Steve,

    Cayenne won't pick up domain types on reverse engineering, but I
    suspect that whatever type is picked by Cayenne, it will work (i.e.
    Cayenne will be able to save and load a column value).

    Trying to see why it can be helpful to have a concept of a domain type
    in Cayenne. If I understand correctly we are talking about domain
    types concept as described here for PostgreSQL [1] (you haven't
    mentioned which DB you are using). So domain type is a constrained
    base type. Why would you bother to reflect that in Java? Pre-commit
    validation? Some other reason?

    BTW, custom types in Java are supported via ExtendedType mechanism
    [2], but this is mainly used to map custom Java classes, that may not
    have special corresponding DB constructs (and in 99.9% of cases they
    don't). You can reuse this mechanism to match your domain types
    (although manually, as it won't be done by reverse engineering), I am
    just not sure there's a value in it. I appreciate if you can elaborate
    on that.



    On Jan 18, 2009, at 3:15 AM, Stephen Winnall wrote:

    > Does Cayenne support SQL domain types? I have a schema with a few
    > CREATE DOMAIN statements in it, and Cayenne seems to have ignored
    > them when I reverse-engineered the schema.
    > My naive expectation was that "CREATE DOMAIN dom AS x" Cayenne would
    > create a Java class Dom which was a subclass of whatever it
    > generated for x.
    > Steve

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