Re: Encrypted Fields

From: Dov Rosenberg (
Date: Sat Feb 07 2009 - 13:50:59 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Encrypted Fields"

    One of our customers who is big into security had a pretty good idea. Their
    concern was that if the sensitive data could be decrypted it was vulnerable
    and considered a security risk. They proposed using a one way encryption
    algorithm and then only comparing the hash values of the sensitive data -
    not the actual data itself. I am not certain which algorithm they were
    talking about.

    Dov Rosenberg

    On 2/7/09 12:08 PM, "Michael Gentry" <> wrote:

    > Here it is:
    > Joe had a few questions off-the-list (about how to do a query on an
    > encrypted value) and I'll try to update it soon, but that's the
    > current version I have.
    > Comments appreciated, as always.
    > mrg

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