Re: Re: Cloning a CayenneDataObject

From: Paul Logasa Bogen II (
Date: Tue Feb 10 2009 - 08:35:40 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Re: Cloning a CayenneDataObject"

    Sorry for the long time to respond, I realized this morning that I
    hadn't actually joined the list yet (which I have rectified) and didn't
    get your response when you sent it.

    Do give a better picture of what I am doing, I have is multiple users
    each with multiple collections each of the collections have multiple
    entries. When I hit "Save As", I need to clone a working collection and
    all of its entries.

    If I understand you correctly, then I should make a custom clone method
    that clones only what I want it to.


    Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    > Hi Paul,
    > Do you need to clone only the object's attributes (i.e. fields from one DB
    > table) or you need to clone related objects too? If first, I'd recommend to
    > iterate through ObjEntity attributes and write their values to new object.
    > Tell me if you need a snippet.
    > If second, since you likely don't want to clone *all* relationships, because
    > this might result in cloning all database, you should write a clone method
    > which clones only rels specified in DataObject, e.g.
    > interface CayenneCloneable {
    > public List<String> getClonedRelationships();
    > }
    > class Artist extends _Artist implements CayenneCloneable {
    > ...
    > }
    > //somewhere
    > public static <T extends CayenneDataObject> T clone(T src) {
    > //iterate through obj attributes
    > if (T instance of CayenneCloneable) {
    > //recursively clone relationships
    > }
    > }
    > That's how I've done it, and I can search my projects for an example if you
    > want it
    > Regards,
    > Andrey
    > 2009/2/9 Paul Logasa Bogen II <>
    >> I am writing a web application with Wicket on the front end and Cayenne on
    >> the back end. When a user clicks "Save As" in my application I want to save
    >> the current working object with a new key. My suspicion is if I just blank
    >> out the key and do a context.commitChanges() I will just change the key and
    >> any other information for the object instead of creating new rows in the
    >> database. Is this correct? And what is the recommended way to clone or copy
    >> an object to a new one?
    >> plb

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