Re: Commits not visible across contexts in ROP

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Fri Feb 13 2009 - 00:28:11 EST

  • Next message: Tarik Cherkovi: "Re: Commits not visible across contexts in ROP"

    On 13/02/2009, at 3:30 PM, Tarik Cherkovi wrote:

    > Hi,I just had a strange behavior from ROP and maybe missing
    > something basic.
    > I have multiple clients connecting to the same server, and when one
    > of them
    > performs a commit, the changes are not visible to the other
    > client(s). Is
    > there a way to make all remote contexts?

    You'll need to implement that behaviour yourself. Obviously the
    simplistic approach is to refresh all caches and queries on the remote
    client before you use data where freshness is important.

    The problem isn't a trivial one. If you have a bunch of clients on
    different subnets, they can't necessarily pass events directly to each
    other using JMS or something similar. So the server needs to be
    responsible for holding a list of update events which are then passed
    out to clients upon request. You could implement something with
    SnapshotEvents [1] which are passed either directly between clients
    (if they have direct access to each other) or via the server as an
    intermediary. Personally I didn't get much further than identifying a
    couple of libraries such as Apache Mina and Apache ActiveMQ which
    might be useful in such an implementation.

    But I am keen on implementing something for our own applications, if
    only we had more time....



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