Re: Commits not visible across contexts in ROP

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Feb 13 2009 - 10:12:23 EST

  • Next message: Tarik Cherkovi: "Re: Commits not visible across contexts in ROP"

    On Feb 13, 2009, at 5:04 PM, Tarik Cherkovi wrote:

    >> used XMPP connection for that purpose (see example web.xml
    >> declarations
    > here:
    >> ).
    > This requires
    >> running a separate XMPP server, but otherwise works nicely.
    > I added the configuration to my web.xml but I don't notice a
    > difference.
    > What does the server actually send to the client? Is there a way to
    > check
    > that it's doing it?
    > Thanks for your support and help on this. I really appreciate it
    > and hope I
    > can come up with a solution as I am a bit in a crunch trying to go
    > live but
    > hitting this.

    You will need a separate XMPP server running outside the web
    container. Strange that you don't see any client errors. Can you send
    a piece of web.xml where you set it up?

    Also on a local network JavaGroups communication channel is probably
    one of the best options, as it requires zero setup.. don't have
    examples handy. I may need some time to figure how to set it up.


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