validatingObjectsOnCommit is true and there are changes in the context.
The overrided method validateForSave, in the object class produced by
cayenne modeller, is called.
The problem is that commitChanges() doesn't throw directly a
ValidationException so I cannot catch it in the catch block (it throws a
How should I handle this exception? I need validationResult in order to
call getFailures(). How can I retrieve validationResult?
Maybe I am missing something...
Thank you,
Στις 11-03-2009, ημέρα Τετ, και ώρα 15:06 +0200, ο/η Andrus Adamchik
> On Mar 11, 2009, at 11:01 AM, Νίκος Παράσχου wrote:
> > Is there any way to do something like the following:
> >
> > try {
> > context.commitChanges();
> > }
> > catch(Some ValidationException thrown earlier) {
> > // Get failures list and print error messages.
> > }
> This is how it should be done, and this works for me at least. Not
> sure why it does not work for you. Can you doublecheck that
> validatingObjectsOnCommit is actually true and there are changes in
> the context?
> Andrus
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