Re: How can I handle validation exception?

From: Νίκος Παράσχου (
Date: Thu Mar 12 2009 - 05:03:07 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: How can I handle validation exception?"

    Maybe I didn't state it clearly. When I said:

    "The problem is that commitChanges() doesn't throw directly a
    ValidationException so I cannot catch it in the catch block (it throws a

    I meant that I can't write the following because it can't be compiled
    (note that a ValidationException is caught):

    try {
    catch(ValidationException vex) {
            // ...

    That is what I meant by saying "directly" (to be able to write
    catch(ValidationException vex)).

    A ValidationException is thrown if there is a failure (so it is not a
    bug). Sorry for confusing you.

    My question is: How can I get the validationResult inside the block
    catch() if I write

    catch(Exception exc) {
            // ...

    What is the suggested way of getting the failures produced during


    Στις 12-03-2009, ημέρα Πεμ, και ώρα 10:22 +0200, ο/η Andrus Adamchik
    > On Mar 12, 2009, at 9:41 AM, Νίκος Παράσχου wrote:
    > > The problem is that commitChanges() doesn't throw directly a
    > > ValidationException so I cannot catch it in the catch block (it
    > > throws a
    > > CayenneRuntimeException)
    > Which version of Cayenne? This could be a bug.
    > Andrus

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