ClassCastException ...ToManyList cannot be cast to ...Persistent

From: Dan (
Date: Tue Mar 17 2009 - 10:11:23 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: ClassCastException ...ToManyList cannot be cast to ...Persistent"

    Greets! Neat product. I'm having a newb issue which I'm hopeful someone can help
    with. Here is the relevant layout: I have 2 tables (PARTY and CASE) and a third
    lookup table which maps the many-to-many (PARTY_CASE_LINK) - since each party
    can belong to 0 or more cases and each case can include 1 or more parties.

    ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
    id party_id id
    firm case_id foo
    foo .. bar

    I want to start my lookup by loading a party by criteria and being able to get
    to all of the cases for that party. I have the relationships onships setup in
    the modeler correctly (me thinks) -- since i am able to get a List<Party> and
    from there I can use the relationships to get List<PartyCases> via
    getPartyCases() and from there get List<Case> via getCases() -- works like a

    I want to avoid an N+1 lookup, so I'm **attempting** to use addPrefetch to my
    inial PARTY lookup. That's where it croaks.

    I am also using FetchLimit and FetchOffset (not that I think it should matter,
    but in full discolsure)

    Expression qualifier = ExpressionFactory.matchExp(Party.FIRM_PROPERTY, firm);
    SelectQuery selectQuery = new SelectQuery(Party.class, qualifier);
    selectQuery.addOrdering(rs.getSort(), rs.isSortAscending());
    paritesAttachedToFirm = (List<Party>) dataContext.performQuery(selectQuery);

    09:46:46,558 DEBUG BeforeAfterMethodInterceptor:183 - Calling..efore method
    'fillData' at LifecycleStage 'BindingAndValidation' on ActionBean
    09:46:46,577 INFO QueryLogger:473 - --- will run 2 queries.
    09:46:46,579 INFO QueryLogger:427 - --- transaction started.
    09:46:46,620 INFO QueryLogger:357 - SELECT t0.middle_name, t0.last_name,, t0.firm_id,, t0.official_id_type, t0.party_type_id, t0.race,
    t0.address_append_status_id, t0.dob, t0.invite_code, t0.dod, t0.first_name,
    t0.official_id FROM PARTY t0 WHERE t0.firm_id = ? ORDER BY t0.last_name LIMIT 25
    OFFSET 0 [bind: 1->firm_id:2] - prepared in 40 ms.
    09:46:46,627 INFO QueryLogger:401 - === returned 25 rows. - took 48 ms.
    09:46:46,631 INFO QueryLogger:357 - SELECT DISTINCT t0.case_id, t0.party_id
    FROM PARTY_CASE_LINK t0 JOIN PARTY t1 ON (t0.party_id = WHERE t1.firm_id
    = ? [bind: 1->firm_id:2]
    09:46:46,635 INFO QueryLogger:401 - === returned 110 rows. - took 8 ms.
    09:46:46,636 INFO QueryLogger:434 - +++ transaction committed.
    java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.cayenne.access.ToManyList cannot be
    cast to org.apache.cayenne.Persistent at org.apache.cayenne.access.
            at org.apache.cayenne.query.PrefetchTreeNode.traverse(

    What else can I tell you to help here:

    In the modeler I have the relationship from PARTY to PARTY_CASE_LINK called
    "partyCases" and it's "To Many" The reverse relationship is called "parties"

    Thanks for your thoughts and advise.


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