Re: Any way to check if object has really changed?

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Tue Mar 24 2009 - 09:36:00 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Any way to check if object has really changed?"

    Well, the Artist object didn't really change. Could you override
    Artist's addToPaintings() (don't forget to call super) and record
    somewhere that a change has been made?


    On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 6:16 AM, Andrey Razumovsky
    <> wrote:
    > Imagine you have Artist and Painting entities. You create a new Paining and
    > attach it to existing Artist, then commit. The Artist object is marked as
    > modified, so LifecycleListeners will fire for it, but in fact nothing
    > changed in DB table (ARTIST). Is there any way to check if object has really
    > changed? I suppose I could iterate through all attrs and simple to-one rels
    > during lifecycle event, and compare values with cached snapshot of the CDO,
    > but this seems to be an ugly way..
    > Thanks,
    > Andrey

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